Scanning Electron Microscopy, EDX microanalysis, cathodoluminescence

Scanning electron microscopy reveals the morphology and the composition of a lot of materials. The ZEISS SUPRA 40 is a SEM-FEG capable of high quality imaging at very low currents. The GEMINI column utilised on the SUPRA 40 has an extremely low magnetic field outside the objective lens, enabling investigation of magnetic materials and devices. A field-emission cathode in the electron gun provides improved spatial resolution and minimized sample charging/damage. Therefore, it is possible to work also on non-conductive samples and on soft matter systems.

  • Nominal resolution: 1.5 nm at 10 KV and WD = 2 mm
  • Acceleration voltage: 0.1 KV – 20 KV
  • Probe current: 4 pA – 10 nA
  • Magnification: 12X – 900KX
  • Working distance (WD): from 1mm up to 20 mm, depending on the operating conditions
  • Sample size: up to 9 sample of area 1cm2, or a large sample up to 20cm2

Microanalysis EDX

The microscope is equipped with an X-Act Silicon Drift Detector LN2-free (Oxford Instruments) to detect and analyze X-rays emitted by the sample under the electron beam.
It can detect elements from Be to Pu with a resolution of 125 eV. The stability is guaranteed from 1.000 to 100.000 cps (resolution change < 1 eV).


The microscope is also equipped with light guide and photomultiplier tube (Zeiss) to acquire cathodoluminescence images of semiconductor samples and films.